!!! All orders will be shipped on Monday 13th of January !!!

Kaiko Studio

Delicate Moon & Star Earrings | Celestial

  • Sale
  • Regular price €35.00

Gold plated moon & star earrings

Irish Blessing:

“Let the Moon and the Stars pour their healing light on you...”

♥ Circles are among the oldest of geometric symbols, and commonly represent unity, wholeness, and infinity. Pythagoras called the circle "monad," the most perfect of creative forms, without beginning or end, without sides or corners.

Combination signifies the infinite potential within each individual, as the star within the circle represents the spark of divinity or a guiding light that exists within us all. The circle and star can serve as a reminder of our connection to something greater and our ability to manifest our dreams and aspirations in the world.



*Finish-16K gold plated

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