!!! All orders will be shipped on Monday 13th of January !!!

Kaiko Studio

Aromatherapy Necklace | Essential Oil Diffuser Necklace

  • Sale
  • Regular price €30.00

This minimalist simple essential oil diffuser necklace is made with natural lava bead and circular brass charm.

The circle is the symbol of divine energy. It has a feminine touch that embodies compassion, manifestation, and infinity.

Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back"

Some of the emotional and mind support essential oils can bring are:

  • Calming: lavender, frankincense
  • Uplifting and focusing: lemongrass, peppermint
  • Combating stress/Relieving anxiety: patchouli, lemongrass
  • Sensuality: rose, ylang, jasmine


Apply 1-2 drops of therapeutic grade essential oil to the lava stone, then allow a moment for oil to absorb and wipe off the excess. Because lava beads are porous, they will hold the essential oil for 1-2 days.
!!! It is important to note that you should only use essential oil that is safe to come in direct contact with the skin, as you will receive topical as well as the aromatic benefits.


Chain- faceted brass
Length: approx. 70 cm

Natural black lava and black brass charm

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