!!! All orders will be shipped on Monday 13th of January !!!

Kaiko Studio

Dark Blue Concrete Decorative Sphere | LIMITED EDITION

  • Sale
  • Regular price €25.00

Minimalist Handmade Concrete Candleholder/ Decorative Bowl has been hand painted with Water based Metallic Gold paint and sealed with eco top coat.

Design of these concrete spheres is inspired by Wabi Sabi- In traditional Japanese aesthetics, it is a world view centred on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.
The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".


Please note:
* all handmade concrete pieces are slightly different, making each one of them truly unique
* concrete can change its texture and colour over time

* I try to capture the colour to the best of my abilities, but it might also be affected by the calibration of your screen.

Candles, jewellery and plants are not included.

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