!!! All orders will be shipped on Monday 13th of January !!!

Kaiko Studio

Cornflower Petal Confetti Necklace | Botanical Jewellery

  • Sale
  • Regular price €35.00

Botanical pendants are handmade using cornflower petals and gold leaf, set in clear resin.

In the language of flowers, the cornflower symbolizes delicacy and timidity, and indicates that a message has a pure, innocent or delicate intention. 


*Pendant size : approx. 20 mm
*Black Plated Faceted Brass chain length : approx. 70 cm


Please note:

* No two petals are the same so each necklace is unique
* Resin contains UV stabilizer as well as an advanced additive called HALS, so it stays clear for decades.

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