!!! All orders will be shipped on Monday 13th of January !!!

Kaiko Studio

Crystal Bead and Textured Brass Bar Necklace

  • Sale
  • Regular price €36.00

Crystal bead and hammered brass bar necklace is graphically bold statement piece.

♥ Apatite crystal stone clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self. Apatite expands knowledge and truth .Give in to the inspirational qualities of the Apatite crystal stone and encourage a peaceful respite from the confusion that comes from the modern world. The Apatite crystal stone helps to reawaken a sense of clarity that lights the path to self-expression. It gives us the guidance we need to maintain the delicate balancing act between following our dreams and the daily responsibilities of adulthood. 

Fluorite absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making.

Please note:
* all raw beads are slightly different, making each one of them truly unique

Chain : black plated beaded brass
Length: approx. 45 cm; Pendant: 5 cm 

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